Immunizations & Vaccines • Mar 27, 2017

What Tests Should You Expect Throughout Pregnancy?

What’s included in that first blood panel? What about the second or third — is one of them optional? And how will you know if you have gestational diabetes? Dr. Jackie Turner will join Abby to answer all of these questions and more in this week’s Belly to Baby!

To answer your specific questions, jump to:
0:55- Feeling your baby move
2:20- The number of tests throughout pregnancy
3:10- First Test: the first blood panel/blood pregnancy test and urine test
4:30- Blood Type/RH Blood Test
5:20- Anemia Blood Test
6:00: Rubella and Chickenpox Test
7:20- Shingles Risks
8:05- Syphilis Test
8:20- UTI Screening/Hepatitis B
9:10- HIV Screening
9:40- Preventing and treating HIV throughout pregnancy
12:00- Why are there urine samples at every visit?
12:45- Genetic Screening
15:00- Optional Tests for patients at the first appointment
19:00- How to walk through these decisions early on. What do these results mean?
22:00- Down Syndrome: knowing results of the tests vs. not wanting to know
26:00- Do you need more testing?
27:00- The Anatomy Scan
28:30- Followup after Ultrasound
31:00- The Sugar Drink/Screening for Diabetes
33:20- Another blood count at 28 Weeks and urine culture
34:00- Group B Strep Culture
34:40- What happens if you fail the first glucose test?
38:12- If you have Gestational diabetes during your first pregnancy, is it automatic for your next pregnancy?
40:00- Post-delivery check-ins
41:30- High blood pressure during Pregnancy/hypertension
42:30- Preeclampsia
43:20- Best Tips from Dr. Jackie Turner
